You are here: Viewing and editing a transmittal > Viewing document properties > Viewing and editing transmissions

Viewing and editing transmissions

The individual transmissions of a document may be viewed, compared to the current vault version, and edited. Viewing and editing transmissions can be performed either from the original vault document or within a transmittal where the document has been copied.

To view and edit transmissions:

  1. Select the document in the vault for which you want to view or edit transmissions.
  2. Click the Transmissions tab. The Transmissions page appears listing various properties for all of the transmissions of the selected document.

Note    Transmissions may also be viewed from within transmittals as described in Viewing and editing transmittal properties.

  1. Select the specific transmission that you want to view or edit and click a button on the toolbar to view or edit the selected transmission. Descriptions of each button are found in the following table.
Transmissions dialog buttons



Shows the selected transmission in a new viewer window.

Opens a new viewer window and compares the selected transmission with the original document in the vault as described in "Comparing documents in a transmittal."

Opens the selected transmission in its native application.

Copies the selected transmission to the Clipboard.

(Submissions page only)

Pastes documents from the Clipboard contents.

(Submissions page only)

Replaces the vault document with the selected submission as described in "Updating transmitted documents from submissions."

(Submissions page only)

Selects the submittal that contains the selected submission.

(Transmissions page only)

Selects the transmittal that contains the selected transmission.

(Submissions page only)

Sets the status of the selected submission as described in "Setting the status of submissions."

Note    This button is only enabled when a lookup list is correctly configured by a system administrator.

Related tasks

Viewing document properties

Viewing and editing transmittal properties

Viewing and editing transmission properties